Systems Integration:
Information Technology environments expand as new applications are added to keep pace with business goals. New technologies spring up, as others that were once the latest; greatest they become yesterday's news. Change is inevitable in the application development field, but one issue that remains constant throughout every variation is systems integration. Our objective is to help our customers to somehow, some way make the technologies in their ever-changing IT environment talk to each other. Our mission is to make the integration problem go away.
The integration "which is not a new phenomenon" is as complex as it is critical. The increasing heterogeneity in IT environments and the convergence between development and deployment is our very reason for existence. We believe integration is not a technology concern, but in fact is a business problem.
At Smart Vision we strive to understand your business goals, increase your efficiency in accessing your business data, and fully support you with your presentation requirements. In another words, we provide you with architecture's adaptability preserving your business rules, accommodating any new technology to allow you continuous access to your data, supported by the appropriate application for your presentation. For example: your presentation interface can go from providing a Web browser interface, to a WAP phone interface, to a PDA interface simply by adding the appropriate applications and registering them in the business rules platform.